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On 11, 12 and 13 November 2021, the 4th International Congress for Young Researchers in Middle Ages (ICYRMA) will take place at the University of Évora, Portugal.


ICYRMA is destinated to students at master, doctoral and postdoctoral level and/or to those who have obtained their academic degrees in the last five years. It aims to be an interdisciplinary space for dissemination, discussion and contact among young researchers who study the Middle Ages from various perspectives: history, archeology, art history, literature, philosophy, philology, anthropology, ethnology, sociology, geography, methodology, among other areas.



In this 4th ICYRMA, the theme will be “PRIVATE LIFE”.



Each proposal must fall within one of the following thematic strands:


1 – Public vs. private: distinctions and overlapping.

2 – Conception of privacy: a medieval matter?

3 – Romancing private life: history, tales and poetry.

4 – Visual representations: iconography of the private life.

5 – Material evidence of private life.

6 – Private experiences: spirituality and liturgy.

7 – Household and family life.



The call for papers will be open until April 30th.


​​- The working languages will be: Portuguese, Spanish, English and French.


​- Each participant will have 15 minutes to do their presentation.


- Each proposal will be evaluated by two members of the Scientific Committee in a blind review process.


- The results of the selection will be announced until July 1st, 2021.


- Registration fee: 30€.











NOTE: Despite the fact that we are hoping to be able to welcome all of you in person and are planning to hold the 4th ICYRMA at the University of Évora, we keep following every update about the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic. If it reveals necessary, the 4th ICYRMA will take place online via ZOOM.


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